Huskie basketball
November 17, 1988
Basketball season is fast approaching at NIU and I want to invite you all to join us for what I think will be a very exciting season.
Yes, our squad will be young, but they are a group of young men who have worked extremely hard, have some talent and I believe will do nothing but get better. One of the key factors in how successful we are this year and in the next couple, three years with this group of young men, will be determined by how strongly you support us.
Bring a friend, make it your social outing for the week! In any event, give us a try. I think you’ll like the product.
We look forward to seeing you in Evan Field House this Basketball Season. Take a look at the 1988_89 schedule. I think it’s a great schedule for ALL OF YOU and should provide 40 minutes of entertainment each evening.
Remember, we do need you. We want to give our players a great home court advantage.
Go Huskies!!!
Jim Rosborough
Men’s Basketball Coach