Picture unrelated

On Oct. 27 a story ran on page three concerning the increase in the number of students who have been caught cheating in classes. A photograph of a classroom with that story with the cutline reading “Students from all academic levels with different grade point averages have been caught cheating in a variey (sic) of departments this semester” also ran. Although it may not have been your explicit intention to imply that the “students” in this photograph were, at that given moment, cheating, it does seem implicit that these students could be cheating or are cheaters.

The “students” pictured are the Ph.D. candidates in economics, along with several distinguished members of our graduate faculty, participating in a graduate seminar.

The number of errors committed by The Northern Star over the years has led to the questioning of its credibility in several quarters. Printing pictures which are completely unrelated to the subject matter shows carelessness on the part of The Northern Star staff. We want to be proud of the Star, and I suggest that there be more care used in the future.

Prem S. Laumas

Chairman, Department of Economics

Robin M. Lillie

Office Supervisor, Department of Economics