Proposal on office space expected

By Elizabeth M. Behland

A proposal to create additional campus space for student-oriented offices is expected to be completed by the end of the fall semester.

Jon Dalton, vice president for student affairs, said he has been meeting with students to discuss space needs for the Counseling and Student Development Center and the Career Planning and Placement Center.

In a previous interview, Dalton said the placement center has to conduct its services in the hallway on the second floor of Swen Parson Hall. He also said the counseling center in Swen Parson Hall is “very crowded and students feel the facility sould be larger and have a little more privacy.”

Although no formal proposal has been developed, Dalton said he has talked to student organizations about constructing “a separate building and an addition to the Holmes Student Center.”

Dalton said students “are not supporting a separate building, but I am not wedded to that idea either. Right now I’m just seeking to get a lot of feedback,” Dalton said. “By the end of the fall semester we will have a pretty good idea about how to proceed” with developing better office facilities for student organizations, he said.

Student Association President Paula Radtke said she “still believes” that more administrative conference centers would be developed if a Student Life Center is built or if an addition was made to the student center.

Dalton said he has “no intention of moving students out of the Holmes Student Center” with the development of new student office space. “I believe it is much more clear (to the SA) that there is no effort to get people out of the building,” he said.

Radtke said the additional space could provide administrators with more conference space, but administrators also “help the students.”

The SA and Dalton “jointly agreed that before we start building a new building to take a look at what we have,” Radtke said. A space efficiency study will be reviewed in order to determine whether additional space is needed in the student center, she said. If space in the student center is reallocated, there might be room to house some of the offices that need additional space.

“I don’t support an addition (to the student center). What I support is a space assessment to the student center,” Radtke said.

She said she is not supporting an addition to the student center because she is concerned about the condition of the building, what offices would be housed by it and what effect an addition would have on student fees.

She said she is concerned that “students are going to get stuck with another building,” for which mantenance would be the students’ responsibility.