State senator rallies DeKalb Democrats

By David Kirkpatrick

A fired-up Alan Dixon stopped in DeKalb last night to inspire local Democrats and to gather forces, claiming that “we (Democrats) will win the election.”

Speaking at the DeKalb County Democratic Headquarters, Illinois Sen. Dixon said, “The American public has been lied to over and over again and the Republicans cannot convert these lies into the truth.”

Only a week remains for the national and local candidates to campaign, and many feel this is the most critical time of the campaigns. What the public sees now will be what they remember come election day, local politicians said.

Though this stop was designed to bolster the campaigns of the local politicians, the room at last night’s rally swelled with excitement for the presidential ticket of Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis and Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen.

Referring to the recent poll indications, Dixon said, “This is our time. I have seen the polls, and we (Democrats) can win. We need an inspired attitude.”

Dixon attacked the conduct of Vice President George Bush, claiming that Bush, not Dukakis, is responsible for such policies as improper furlough programs and poor environmental policies.

“George Bush charges that Mike Dukakis is responsible for the Willie Horton furlough,” Dixon said. “No one as governor can be responsible for one felon.”

Bush’s television ads have claimed that Dukakis’s furlough program has allowed convicts serving sentences for murder and rape to be released and to commit more crimes. Horton was furloughed and raped a woman while out of prison.

“Bush has been in charge of a national furlough program that has allowed thousands of felons to roam free,” Dixon said.

Dixon also said that among the lies presented by Bush during this campaign has been one of Dukakis’ poor environmental record.

“I was on the floor (of the U.S. Senate) when we passed the Clean Water Act,” Dixon said. “(Then) George Bush’s old friend Ronald Reagan vetoed the act. It was returned back to the Senate and we overruled the president.

“If Reagan would have accepted the act, Mike Dukakis would have had the money he needed to clean up Boston Harbor. So, if Bush is an environmentalist, I’d hate to see a polluter.”

Dixon also said this campaign is the worst example of campaigning he has ever seen.

“This is the sorriest example of campaigning ever,” Dixon said. “Campaigns should lift the spirits of the people and inspire the public to vote.”

Instead, Dixon said he feels the negative feelings being generated from the non-issue campaign will turn people away from voting.