Get out and vote

This letter is prompted by a call I made to NIU’s personnel office to inquire about the staff and faculty policy for Election Day.

The first time I voted in a Presidential Election (1980) the company I worked for provided an hour of time off (paid) in order for its employees to go and vote. The company said it cared about our needs and that voting was our right and privilege, and we should not be penalized by loss of wages because we chose to vote.

When I voted in 1984, I was an NIU student. When I came here, some rude person took away my rose-colored glasses and taught me about words and phrases like “apathy” “Why bother! No one cares. Nothing will be done.” “Your opinion doesn’t count.” etc.

So I blew off a day of classes in honor of Election Day and went to the bars. I don’t remember if I voted or not!

Now I am an alumni of NIU, proud of the degree I earned here and am back as a staff member. I feel I can make a difference trying to get through to NIU now.

My main point is that this university is not providing any incentive to staff, faculty or even students, for that matter, to get out and vote.

On Tues., Nov. 8 every American who has registered to vote, whether Republican, Democrat, or Independent, should realize it is a RIGHT and a PRIVILEGE to do so!

After all, for all of about five minutes you and I will be just as important and mean just as much as the President of the United States!

Apathy may be the rule around here, but don’t let it hold you back from voting and standing up to be counted.

Keri Putnam
