Idea to let ‘peewees’ into local bar stinks

An 18-year-old said to me last week, “You should write an article on letting minors into the bars.”

Well, first of all THIS IS A COLUMN not an article!

A column is the opinion of the writer and an article is objective factual reporting, regardless of what people like to think. I feel better now that that’s out.

OK here goes…I think the “letting the peewees into bars” idea stinks.

Not only can I think of 10 reasons why minors should not be admitted into the bars, but I have yet to have heard from the promoters of this idea one good reason why it should be advocated.

Here are the top five:

. They’ll drink.

The proposal is to allow minors into the bars, but not to allow them to drink. Tell me how to let someone into an establishment without letting them drink and I’ll tell you you’re living in la-la land.

The old “stamp the hand to get served” idea has been proven faulty. Any lame-brain knows that I could order a drink, flash my stamp, walk back to my table and toss a beer to a friend.

2. Stupidity and drunkenness.

Since it’s pretty much a given that once let into the bars minors will find some way to get served, 18-year-olds will be throwing up all over the place. The maturity level of an 18-year-old is not that of someone who is 21. That’s the whole reason the drinking age was raised in the first place wasn’t it?

3. Overcrowded bars.

As it stands now there is shoving room only in the bars. Could you see increasing the market? If you’ve been in McCabes on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night, you know what I mean.

4. Overcrowded everything.

Parking? Yea, you know how it is. This town simply is not equipped to handle the added traffic. Police availability and parking facilities in DeKalb just won’t cut it.

5. The good old drunk driving.

It’s statistically proven teens have a higher record for DUIs, tickets and accidents than over 21ers. With drinking in the dorms, the worst that can happen is you blow chunks on your roommate and laugh about it the next day.

Put these ideas all together, add your own and you have trouble.

Arguments for the idea, well there aren’t any that hold much water.

Socialization. Well, come on. There is a drinking age and because of this, minors are not allowed in bars. That’s the bottom line. This distinction is in no way prohibiting students from socializing.

Besides that, there are so many parties on and around campus students can socialize until the cows come home if they want.

Some of our DeKalb City Aldermen have proposed this idea, of course representing their constituents.

Yet, I have not heard anyone say what benefit this would provide to the community—including constituents.

It is the job of aldermen to represent the needs of their constituents. I fail to see the need for this dire emergency.

Three aldermen represent student wards in DeKalb. However one of those aldermen said at a Sept. 12 council meeting that his constituents were divided and one said a majority of constituents were against the issue.

Even the constituents don’t want it, so why do the aldermen. Of course the division lies between those of age and those underage. Well of course 18-year-olds want this proposal to come to life. But they are the only ones who do.

There is not one iota of logic, reason or intelligence in this idea and the proposers of it have proven this by not offering one good reason.

Just because you’re in college, doesn’t mean you have to go to the bars to make friends (which is the only reason I’ve heard so far).

So, unless you want an increased number of underaged drinkers, an increased DUI rate, overcrowded bars and parking lots, more fights, more accidents, more kids puking…