No minimum wage
October 11, 1988
I must say that I found Jeff Vogelsang’s column on the minimum wage bill very interesting .05 average.
I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, Jeff, but raising the minimum wage increases poverty. Wages are a price for labor, and that price should follow the free market laws of supply and demand, like any other price. Whenever government steps in to save the day for the economy, it ends up doing more harm than good. The best thing it can do is stay out of economic matters except for the powers given to it by the Constitution. Raising the minimum wage, which shouldn’t exist in the first place, wipes out thousands if not millions of entry level jobs that would help a poor person get his foot in the door and climb the ladder of success.
Another ludicrous assumption Jeff makes is that a low minimum wage helps the rich. Hogwash! It’s the cunning, well off workers that love a high minimum wage, because when an employer is faced with a choice of hiring several inexperienced people at $3.35 an hour or one experienced person at $8 an hour and if the minimum wage skyrockets, then the choice becomes obvious. But I guess Jeff’s solution would be to have the government make the employer hire the several. What Jeff and people like him are really demanding is big, powerful government in the form of Socialism. Karl Marx listed wage and price controls as one of his ten planks to communizing a nation.
If Jeff would get his head out of the clouds and look at the overall picture, he might realize how disastrous this bill will be. Come on Jeff, crack open your economics 101 and wake up, there should only be one minimum wage, $0.
Ted McCarron
College Republicans