Walkout ‘brilliant’

I am currently enrolled in Linda Son’s Math 101, and I have to admit—I thought it would be an easy A. Too bad, so sad, it’s not that easy. It shocked me, and it obviously startled you, too. I realized that I had to study.

Well guys, instead of choosing to study the given material like any intelligent homosapien, you walked out of the class the day before the test. A mighty brilliant idea, I might add!! You only have yourselves to blame.

Take a look at the other math classes, if you dare. Listen to the professor’s broken English, and actually take a look at the impossible math jargon. You don’t realize how good you have it now!! Why Ms. Sons wrote our math book herself! She is a great teacher, and for a change, really likes her profession.

I’m speaking from experience, because I was just as naive as you last year and failed Math 210. I learned my lesson the hard way and now realize when a good thing comes along, like Ms. Sons.

As for the maltreated students of Math 101, either learn the material or drop the class. This is college, so get used to it. In other words, either put up or shut up!!!

Susan A. Doyle

