Column lacks logic

I am responding to the article—Oops! I mean column, written by, the oh so open-minded, Marianne Renner on Oct. 4.

Get off the pedestal, on which you have placed yourself, honey and listen to what others have to say!

Open your eyes Marianne. People on this campus do drink, whether they are in bars or not. Sure, you could flash your stamp and buy a drink for an 18-year-old friend, but show me the difference between that and running to the liquor store and purchasing alcohol for an 18-year-old friend. Not only is the first situation more convienient for all concerned, but it sure beats having these 18-year-olds wandering the streets, looking for a place to go and ending up eating the front fender of some car.

Being that I haven’t reached the ripe old age of 21, I cannot address the point about overcrowded bars. The only thing I have a need to ask is, how many people are actually under 21 and using fake IDs in these overcrowded bars?

I really cannot understand why you view everything concerning this topic so negatively. Don’t even think that you are in the least bit convincing. You claim “there is not one iota of logic, reason or intelligence in this idea.” You, dearest Marianne, are the one who has failed to present an “iota of logic, reason or intelligence” in your argument.

I am actually shocked that The Northern Star would have a columnist who incoporates such a large amount of ignorance in a single column. You call yourself a journalist?

Is it possible that this topic exposes some of your deep-seated, subconscious, emotional fears? Perhaps you are afraid of a little competition—that all the eligible men will prefer these “pee-wee” females to someone of the 21-year-old status… Maybe it’s your personality, Marianne.

Simone (Mona) Osterhues


Aspiring journalist/writer