Harassment trial set to continue
September 21, 1988
Testimony in the bench trial of a man accused of harassing NIU Judicial Office Director Larry Bolles by telephone is scheduled to continue Friday at 1:30 p.m.
Robert Morley, 49, 925 Susan Court, was charged with harassment by telephone, a Class B misdemeanor, after allegedly telephoning Bolles at his NIU office last spring.
Mike Coghlan, first assistant state’s attorney, said he expects to call at least one more state’s witness before the trial is completed. Judicial Office Secretary Sharon Scott and an NIU police officer already have given testimony in the case.
When the trial began Sept. 1, Bolles testified he received a racially harassing phone call in his office from a man identifying himself as Robert Buzby.
Bolles said the caller identified himself as a member of the White Christian League, an organization which the caller said “don’t like niggers.”
Although the caller began the conversation by asking what Bolles intended to do about “the good white kids” involved in an illegal registration controversy, the topic shifted to the content of The Thunderbolt, a racially-derogatory publication which surfaced on campus last year.
Bolles testified the caller said he was an ex-marine who was trained to kill and Bolles should leave town.