Women’s group seeks members
September 25, 1988
NIU’s Commission on the Status of Women is currently seeking nominations under its new organizational structure approved by NIU President John LaTourette in August.
The commission, which serves as an advisory board and liaison between LaTourette’s office and university women, decided this summer in a special meeting of past commission chairmen to abolish its original organizational structure of three faculty members, three staff members, three student members, three supportive professional members and two ex-officio members.
The new structure calls for LaTourette’s appointment of a minimum of 15 members with no limit on the number of constituency groups represented and the option of appointing as many members over the minimum as deemed necessary.
Commission Chairman Sue Mellard said, “President LaTourette is very aware of the need to have fair representation from all the contituency groups on campus.” Mellard said quotas for particular constituency groups were changed in hopes of expanding the commission.