Faculty receives pay raise

All NIU faculty and staff, employed as of June 30 1987, received a 2.48 percent salary increase as a result of new pay rates approved by the Board of Regents this summer.

For fiscal year 1989, faculty pay increases were distributed on a 25 percent basis across the board and 75 percent merit basis. Staff increases were distributed on 60 percent across the board and on a 40 percent merit basis.

NIU Director of Personnel David Conrad said, “All NIU faculty and staff received raises this year. Last fiscal year there were no increases.”

The differences in distribution of faculty and staff increases were decided by the two groups separately, Conrad said. “The staff employees probably wanted more increases across the board, whereas the faculty probably wanted more increases on a merit basis.”

The actual increases will be determined by the percentages of what funding is available within each department. The individual salary increases can only be determined by the income of that individual and whether he will be receiving any raise for merit purposes, he said.

Eddie Williams, NIU vice-president of finance and planning and budget director, said, “The faculty increases were decided mostly by salary recommendations, and operating staff increases were decided by supervisors.