Black greek apathy

Words can not describe the feelings that are left with me in response to the actions taken by the NIU black greeks. Thursday, Sept. 15, a rally was set in the commons, the addendum was the recent tuition hike talks, the firing of Martha Palmer, and the discrimination against you…the black greeks!! But there was not even a handful of you present at the rally, in fact, I personally watched a number of you walk right past the rally with your heads held up high… as though it did not concern you!!

I mean hey, what’s the deal?!…Bro’s and soro’s? You’re always first to get the Regency Room on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights when you want to raise a quick dollar off all the frantic freshman. Yet none of you could show your faces in there Thurs., Sept. 15. I think at your next Black Greek Council meeting, instead of planning new steps, one should give just credit and thanks to Ms. Palmer. After all, it was she who gave you a voice on this campus…without Ms. Palmer’s input, you (even as a whole) were nothing more than a microcosm in a vast universe of space and affirmative action.

Again, black greeks I turn my back to you, as you did to Ms. Palmer. A group cannot complain and demand equality if it doesn’t even support it’s own cause. And as so-called leaders of the “community,” I thought it was more than just letters across your chest, I guess I was wrong.

Bruno Marxx

