Freshman insulted

This is in response to Gretchyn Lenger’s infamous column, “Listen up freshmen…this column is for you.” I don’t know what year in college you’re in, but I can tell you, you write as a high school sophomore would.

You see, high school sophomores seem to think they rank enough to ridicule freshmen. But what they don’t realize is that they are simply degrading themselves. Remember, it isn’t the older man that is the wiser one, but the one who makes the right decisions.

As far as I’m concerned, and I’m sure I speak for all freshmen, RA’s are around to watch over immature upper classmen like yourself. Wake up and join the “Real World!”

Those freshmen here, and in any other school, high school or university, are a part of that race that no one can take them out of. When people like you print such trash it makes others wonder “why do people think they are perfect enough to gradually waste one’s self confidence?”

I don’t know what you were trying to accomplish with your column, but I’ll tell you this…knowing that there are upper classmen who have minds as uneducated as yours makes me feel very proud.

This is one freshmen who is aware of people like yourself and won’t fall under you…. But my concerns are for those who just may not be aware. Kindly spare them of such notoriously vile publications. As well, your apology is gladly accepted, but not expected.

Ivette Ayala

Proud Freshmen