Continue SCOPA

I am writing this letter to inform certain people about what a mistake it would be to keep attempting to crush the Student Committee on Political Action. SCOPA cares about the rights of all students and is willing to take risks to protect these rights. SCOPA’s membership is open to all. How can people eliminate a group that is so willing to stand up for other students? SCOPA, the most active SA committee on campus last year, is an instrument of its members. Why then did our critics not come to us to make their feelings known? Where were they when we met to decide upon our plans of action? Our right to think and act as we feel best comes from a higher authority than the SA bylaws or constitution, and anyone who thinks they can shut us down is sadly mistaken. Not all is right here, and we are going to continue to think and act as our memebership sees fit to bring about change.

Rene Lilly


SCOPA Co-chairperson