Impressive artwork

Thanks so much for explaining the new art work outside Adams Hall. I have been wondering what exactly that thing was supposed to be. You see, I was sure that it was an unfinished dog house or perhaps some wood for a dorm loft. Of course I was unaware that the university had made another fantastic purchase to add to our impressive art collection. Let’s run down the list: the rusty bench in King Commons Mall, the Picasso imitation behind Davis Hall, the skeleton of the star ship Enterprise outside Stevens Hall (oops! I guess we can’t count that since it rotted away), and now the dog house in front of Adams. Oh! Let’s not forget the tribute to the Vietnam War with the barbed wire display around the Student Center! I’m sure those who suffer from the tuition increase and adverse effects of wild spending will quickly admit that this university sure knows a lot about modern art. If only the administrators could explain all the closed courses as well as they explain the complex symbolism and meaning behind the unfinished dog house.

All that is missing is a statue of Clyde Wingfield outside DuSable Hall.

Mike Buonarroti


Visual Communications