Gun stance ironic

When I was in grade school, I learned that two plus two equals four. When I was in junior high, I learned that girls were not that bad after all. In high school, I learned that my older brother was not joking when he said that the cafeteria food was like something out of an H.G. Wells science fiction story. Now it’s my third year in college and somewhere in between k_through_15, I have picked up a little common sense, and that common sense tells me that something is wrong with Governor Michael Dukakis.

As a supporter of the right to bear arms, I was a little bothered by some quotes by the governor stating, “I don’t believe in people owning guns…I’m going to do everything I can do to disarm this state” (June 18, 1986 State House Annual Gun Hearings). Also, in response to disarming the state, the governor told Mike Yacino, director of Gun Owners Action League, that he wanted to get rid of, “…every pistol, rifle, and shotgun.”

The governor apparently believes that people should not have the right to protect themselves, for the belief is that guns cause too many deaths. This is quite ironic coming from a person who is an ardent supporter of abortion, where a life is taken from this world with no say of its own. Maybe what the governor should do is change his stance. Let the child be born, to appease pro-life activists, then, let the child walk the streets of Massachusetts where it is likely to get “bumped-off” by prisoners on weekend furloughs. That, then, would please everyone.

Mark E. Claussner