DeKalb police have suspect in Garretson murder

DeKalb police have a prime suspect in the murder case of Lisa Garretson, 26, who was strangled Aug. 21, before her 1110 State St. apartment was set on fire.

“We are looking at one individual,” DeKalb Police Detective Bill Feithen said. However, he could not release any specific information about either the suspect or the investigation which is “continuing,” he said. Sgt. Charles Kross, who is leading the investigation of the murder case, was unavailable for comment Monday.

Garretson was found dead in her apartment about 9:40 p.m. Aug. 21. Autopsy reports revealed she was strangled prior to a fire which had broken out in her apartment. The fire was set by an accelerant, police said.

Although Feithen would not comment on the motive of the suspect, previous reports state police have ruled out robbery.

In addition, autopsy reports revealed that semen was found in Garretson’s body. Although police are not assuming Garretson was raped prior to her death, they are not ruling out that possibilty.

Police also reported drugs were not involved in the incident, although some quantities of cocaine and cannabis were found in Garretson’s apartment.

Police are conferring with the Dekalb County State’s Attorney’s office about the investigation.