Enough of Palmer

Palmer this, Palmer that. Who is Martha Palmer? All I know is that she clutters up my student newspaper. I would like to request that the Star drop this issue because it is being dragged on. I would also like to see these Palmer activists let Martha fight her own battles.

I doubt anyone will ever know the full story of why she was canned. But since she’s a black female, some brainless wonder with nothing better to do thinks of a way to turn this into a racial issue. These people know that if they cry racism, they’ll get attention and coverage in order to make an issue of an undeserving story.

We all encounter unfair treatment in life; so worry about yourselves and let Martha Palmer worry about Martha. After all, if she cared as much as those say, she’d rather have the CHANCE students studying and not rallying for her.

So please Star, Arnold maybe, but no more Martha.

Marlo Buddy

