Cartoon offensive

It is my personal belief that the educational atmosphere of a university is greatly inhanced when that university has a school newspaper which takes the time to reflect the opinions, concerns and emotions of the student body, as well as the faculty. This specifically applies to Northern Illinois University, at this most crucial time of the Unity in Diversity campaign.

However, the university newspaper definitely has a major problem when the supporting elements following an article totally destroy the articles main point. The specific case being, Jeff Vogelsang’s article in the Sept. 12 edition of The Northern Star, entitled, “Open Mind, Experience Can Change Stereotypes.” Mr. Vogelsang’s article is a personal statement against racial bigotry, prejudice and unnecessary stereotyping. Unfortunately, the cartoon which followed the article was so racially offensive that it severely undermined the article. The contradicting actions of these two elements portrayed The Northern Star and Mr. Vogelsang in a hypocritical manner.

Speaking from the perspective of a black male, I personally feel that cartoons such as these are the last things we need on this campus while trying to promote Unity Through Diversity. This cartoon defeated the entire purpose of the article by re-inforcing the negative stereotypes that many white students have about black Americans. The cartoon depicts a black male with extremely large lips and nose, dressed rather strangely and using poor grammer while towering over a frightened white youth. This cartoon, in many ways, reminds me of The Thunderbolt publication.

I sincerely hope that The Northern Star continues to support the concepts of racial harmony, and Unity in Diversity. However, I also feel that unless The Northern Star begins to take a closer look at the overall message that it is sending throughout the campus, then it may wake up one day and find itself supporting the very issues that it was once championing against.

Jacques Andre Betts

Graduate T.A.

English Department