Class offers help

DeKalb County Hospice will offer a Bereavement Care Orientation class starting Sept. 22. The program will be held on 6 consecutive Thursday evenings, beginning Thursday, Sept. 22 through Oct. 27, 6:30_9:30 p.m. at the Sandwich Community Hospital, 11 E. Pleasat, Sandwich. Advance registration for this program, which costs $15 in order to cover the cost of activities, programs, materials and refreshments, should be made by Sept. 15.

DeKalb County Hospice is aware of the need for an empathetic, supportive person with some understanding of the grief process, a willingness to listen and who will be available to a bereaved person as he works through his grief. To address this need, DeKalb County Hospice is offering these classes which are open to community persons who are interested in knowing more about the grief process as well as to those wishing to become Hospice Bereavement Care Volunteers. If you have ever wondered what to say or how to be suportive to a friend, relative or co-worker who has experienced death of a loved one, you will gain insight into answers to these questions throughout the class. Previous experience with a death loss may be helpful, but it is not necessary to take part in this program.

To register, call: DeKalb County Hospice, 756-3000, for further information.

R. Cohen

Chairperson, Public Relations Committee