Noisy neighbors

The letter from Bruce M. Foiles entitled, “Citizen’s Complaint,” Sept. 16 struck a chord with me. I, too, have been bothered by the noise pollution around here.

Three weeks ago one of my neighbors decided to throw a party on Thursday night. And he decided to throw it in the parking lot right outside my window. They had a keg of beer and a crowd of people. Around about eleven someone decided to show off just what a great stereo he had. He must have thought that half the block was just dying to hear that driving jungle rhythm or why else would he play it so loud? About one in the morning, I could tell that the party was dying down by the increasingly intermittent “Yahoo!” and “Gosh! We’re drunk!” sounds coming from out there.

Did you ever think that maybe the professors pile on the coursework so much because they think maybe that way students will be so busy that party attendance will drop and it will be more quiet? Did you ever think that maybe people vote down increases to educational funding because they figure, “Why should I pay for their beer blasts? Maybe if tuition goes up it will get quiet around here.”

Good-night. Sleep tight.

Brian Redman


Pre_computer science