Gun-control lobbyists fall short

Try as you might, you can’t legislate against idiocy and other mental deficiencies.

But that’s just what the gun-control lobbyists recently tried to do when they pushed for a mandatory nationwide one week waiting period between the time a firearm is purchased and when the firearm is received by the buyer. The lobbyists said this waiting period would give government agencies time to check into a purchaser’s background before the gun is delivered.

Illinois requires such checking for all persons applying for firearms owner identification cards. But such precautions are not foolproof, as was proven in the case of Laurie Dann. And in addition, they do not hit at the heart of the matter—the general incompetence of the average gun owner in this country.

Gun owners are statistically more likely to shoot someone accidentally than they are to shoot someone out of self-defense.

Firearm owner education should be mandatory nationwide. There are an alarming number of gun owners who do not know basic firearm safety, operating and maintenance procedures.

Banning hand guns is not a viable solution in this country. There are simply too many guns out there already. The criminals always will be able to get their hands on them.

In our violent society, however, law-abiding citizens must have the right to protect themselves. But too many are winding up shot with their own weapons.

It’s too bad the gun control lobby and the NRA can’t get together and push for gun owner education.