Take advantage of the free ride

The Student Association has invested its money well in the Mass Transit Board’s new, night ride service. Now it’s the students’ turn to take advantage of a good thing.

The service now offers free rides to NIU students in need of rides home from computer labs, libraries, bars and parties. The program is geared at shrinking the number of sexual assaults and alcohol-related accidents which NIU students are involved in by keeping drunk students and students who are alone off the streets late at night.

However, the SA needs students to use the free-ride service in order to keep the program going. Students who have to walk home early in the morning and students who are too drunk to drive should be sensible enough to know they shouldn’t try to make it home on their own.

Bar owners also could avoid possible lawsuits by getting their customers to use the free ride when their customers have had a little too much to drink.

Other universities have used the same type of service and found it to be effective. NIU students also should be sensible enough to make a simple phone call when they shouldn’t be on the streets at night.