Alderman responds

Let me respond to your July 27 editorial, “The alderman who cried wolf.” Be assured I’ll keep that one in the scrap book.

The issue before my fellow citizens if DeKalb is what type of government do they want? Do they want an open and honest government or do they want a government that does not tolerate political opposition? I believe, as many of my fellow citizens believe, that DeKalb is not moving fast enough to meet the future challenges of the 1990s. My office, seventh ward alderman, is the only platform for political opposition in this city. Why does this current administration hold itself aloof of opposition? My staff calculated that during the July 11 city council meeting I voted with the majority of the council 56 percent of the time. It was the 44 percent of my oppositon votes which made news. Mr. Castle, Mr. Sparrow and Mr. Stevens can make their sweetheart deals. I believe we shold look to the taxpayers’ concerns. Why do we spend money when we should be investing money as a city? These “service charges” will never take place in a Powell Administration.

In regard to questions of financial management by this administration, I promise you as mayor the whole truth will be known to the people of DeKalb. The people will judge on April 11, 1989 if they want to be governed by leaders who vote down a resolution thanking a priest for his services to one community or a leader who was great hope for the future of our city.

A poet once wrote, “Against our will comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.” What we need in DeKalb is wisdom and sensitivity toward each other.

Mark Powell

7th Ward Alderman
