Answers demanded

I was brought up to think that one is rewarded or recognized only after hard work and good results are achieved.

The news of Clyde Wingfield’s fully paid unexplained sabbatical is appalling and the exact opposite of my upbringing and that of many other people’s on this campus.

As for these secretive meetings and discussions, one cannot but wonder why? Why so secretive?

When something is right—just and honest—there is no reason for secret. So why be so secretive, why, why, why? Why can we not get an honest answer?

There are a lot of good people working on this campus, who have had a rough time in the past two years because of lack of deserved raises, and now insult is added to injury—Clyde Wingfield is allowed to get a year’s full-paid salary for not one honest day’s work!

People must get an answer. No one on this campus is that stupid—we deserve an answer. When will it come and from where?

A man was allowed to misrepresent himself from the very beginning and caused so much pain to so many on this campus—not to speak of the ill repute he gave this university—and we should finally find an answer to this evil.

When? Where? And how will it end? When will someone say: Enough is enough.

NIU employee name withheld upon request