No conflict of interest revealed in firm’s involvement with city

DeKalb County State’s Attorney Philip DiMarizio found no conflict of interest in a DeKalb city employee’s involvement with a local computer firm that conducted business with the city.

“I find no evidence of criminal conduct,” DiMarzio said July 8. “I’m satisfied no crimes were committed.”

DiMarzio investigated the city’s contract with K.D. Ware computer company at the request of DeKalb 7th Ward Alderman Mark J. Powell.

“Since Mr. Powell saw fit to publicize his visit to my office, I think it’s only fair (to state results publicly) to the people involved,” DiMarzio said.

DeKalb Mayor Greg Sparrow said Powell’s charges were unsubstantiated. “(DiMarzio’s conclusions) laid to rest what we knew to be true all along,” Sparrow said. “Time is money. We have more important things to do than to go on witch hunts.”