Governmental relations asst. awarded for research service

NIU President John LaTourette called Kenneth Beasley, his assistant in governmental relations, “one of the country’s leading experts” in the research field after he received an award for research service.

Shirley Myers, administrator of Sponsored Projects at Western Illinois University, said Beasley received a distinguished service award from the National Council of University Research Administrators at its Midwestern regional meeting in Cinncinnati on April 28.

Beasleys’ qualifications covered a wide range of the criteria required to win the award, Myers said. He was a founding member and officer of the Midwest region of NCURA, was instrumental in starting Sponsored Projects at NIU and received a grant to study research administration in Canada. He also has held workshops in research and grantsmanship for other institutions across the country, she said.

The candidates for the award were to have met certain conditions such as having spent at least five years in the research field. Myers said they also were to have served as a regional or national officer, published articles in the field of university research and held workshops at other institutions.

The Sponsored Projects office finds funding and writes proposals for faculty who want to do research, according to a brochure published by the office. Beasley said that although he relinquished his duties as head of Sponsored Projects several years ago, he still has been active in research.