Park plan needs swift action

If Gov. James Thompson gives the go ahead as pedicted, for the funding of a new reserach and development park, NIU just might find a silver lining in the state funding grey cloud.

With the $1.2 million dollars the university is seeking from the state’s Build Illinois funds and the $380,000 in private donations raised by the NIU Foundaton, NIU is planning to undertake the creation of a research and operating the former Wurlitzer Headquarters on Gurler Road south of DeKalb and become an anchor for the rapidly developing east-west reserach corridor.

Now that NIU has the backing of the city and independent business groups such as the DeKalb County Economic Development Corpoation, the creation of a not-for-profit corporation off-shoot from the university has been proposed to oversee and rent the 132,000 square feet of building space on the 70-acre tract to interested companies. And the profits hoped to be earned from the venture would be put directly back into the maintenance and further development of the project.

It is the university’s hope that these companies, in addition to bringing revenue to DeKalb, will work with NIU faculty, students and programs in developing new research projects.

This is a proposal with promise, and may people – citizens, busness persons, students and faculty could stand to get its act together and run with the idea while it’s still fresh.

Action is needed now to attract and acquire tenants to lease the park’s available space. Though no money would be directly lost from the university itself if the undertaking should fail, the venture is not without risk.

NIU’s reputation is on the line, not only with the financial backers of the project, but more so the possibility of establishing a notewothy position for itself in the community, state and possibly nation.

This research and development park is NIU’s chance to bring new opportunities to all involved through research and advisory work for faulty and even more important, contact to outside experts for first-hand information to better educate students.