No skeletons here

In a recent column that appeared in The Northern Star, Mr. Wozniak reminded us how television evangelists have failed miserably.

In a day when everything seems to be failing, including preachers and religion, it seems that there is nothing or no one we can put our trust in. Everyone wants to find something real.

I suggest you do a little research on a man I’ve come to know and love. His name is Jesus Christ. There is no scandal on him. There are no skeletons in his closet. There are no financial improprieties in his record, and there is no failure in him.

Every other man fails by comparison—even Jimmy Swaggart, even me, even you!

But what I love most about this man called Jesus is that he loves us so much that he forgives us when we fail. So if I have to look up to anyone as a role model, I know I’ll be safe when I look to Jesus.

I would like to encourage the Christians on this campus to stand in the love of Jesus. Don’t be discouraged.

No matter what happens in the Christian community, Jesus is still the same yesterday, today and forever.

Stacey Bolton

Student Campus Minister

Judson Fellowship/BCM