Just admit problem

I was astonished by Dan Moran’s column of Feb. 19. I was in shock that such a childish article would be printed in a college newspaper. It’s as though Mr. Moran just pulled Julie Stege’s hair on the playground and is now yelling, “NAH! NAH!, You can’t get me!”

I applaud Ms. Stege for having the courage to stand up and crusade for what she believes in. I am also quite dismayed that Mr. Moran’s article implied that sexism is fine when it’s in cartoon form. Mr. Moran seems to be the one who should “grow the heck up.” Sexism should not be allowed nor tolerated in any form.

I don’t think you really understand the implications sexism has had for women, Mr. Moran. Women must struggle daily to overcome the attitude that they should all be “barefoot and pregnant”—and 1950s conservatist thinking isn’t helping any. The attitude, that “some of us would just rather kick our shoes off and set a spell” while the world goes by, is ludicrous.

Wake up, Mr. Moran. If you would simply admit that sexism is a terrible problem, that it still exists and, maybe, suggest some ways to stop it—then, maybe you would have a column that meant more than a school yard tiff.

Heidi Schwartz

NIU graduate