Bliss committed to quality

Greg Bliss is the sole candidate for Student Association Vice President. Though not a particularly charismatic speaker, Bliss is very articulate and is considerably more informed on the issues than are some other candidates for executive offices.

An SA senator, Bliss serves on the university’s Alcohol Awareness Committee and also has worked with SA bylaws revision. He stresses that while his experience in the SA is short on time, it is long on quality, and he has worked hard to learn as much as possible about the SA, including the complicated budgeting process.

Bliss focuses on the need for educating senators about their responsibilities. He would have a semi-annual workshop to train them on the budgeting process and Roberts’ Rules of Order and would expand the current Senator’s Handbook.

The senate’s image would be improved, Bliss says, if senators were made to understand that their job is “not just a hat they wear on Sundays” and that a senator’s behavior will reflect upon the entire SA, not just on the individual.

Bliss also advocates redistricting the senate, an idea which has begun to take hold on campus. He proposes finding a medium between the two-district system currently in place and the old system. While he agrees there are problems with the current districting, Bliss says it is a “myth” that any one group has taken over the senate and the students need to be made aware of this misconception.

Ed Gil dropped out of the race Thursday after being advised by the dean of the College of Law that the second year of law school and the office he sought were not compatible commitments.