Eating meat unhealty, uneconomical

Barbara Larson is cleverly deceptive in her outrageous letter of Feb. 24 when she states “Even prominent national physicians have found ingredients in meat that promote a stronger heart and healthier life.”

The problem with that is those who eat meat don’t just eat a few of the ingredients in the meat; they eat the meat as a whole. There is now overwhelming scientific evidence to show that flesh eating is not only unnecessary for humans, it is downright dangerous.

This being the case, why should literally billions of innocent animals be put to the slaughter each year? Why such unnecessary violence? Basically, because of mindless tradition and selfish pleasure.

Concerning the world food supply, 16 pounds of grain are needed to produce one pound of beef. In terms of calories per acre, a diet of grains, vegetables and beans will support 20 times more people than a diet of meat. If the earth’s arable land were used primarily for the production of vegetable foods, we could easily support a population of over 20 billion.

Animals are conscious, living, feeling beings who respond to love and care. The life of each and every individual, whether human or animal, is sacred and should be treated as such. Man prays for mercy but is unwilling to extend it to others. Why, then, should man expect any mercy from God? As Mr. Spock would say, it is illogical. Man will not have peace until he is peaceful.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness and moral progress of a nation can be judged by how its animals are treated.” Shirdi Sai Baba, a most powerful saint who completely merged himself with God, said, “I roam everywhere in all these forms – cats, dogs, pigs and all. Whoever serves me in all these forms, without a sense of difference, is blessed.”

Arthur Shimkus

Siddha Yoga teacher