Political debate

A debate Wednesday at 9 p.m. will feature the presidents of NIU College Republicans and Young Democrats who will discuss U.S. involvement in Honduras, the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty, the government’s role in supplying and financing education and social security.

CR President Gary Yambor said he is in favor of President Reagan’s decision to send troops to Honduras because the U.S. was asked by the Honduran government for help, because the Sandanistas crossed the boarder of “one of our allies” and because “it is our duty to help our allies at all times.”

YD President John Morreale said the move “was another example of Reagan’s use of force versus diplomacy to solve our crises.”

Yambor said, “This is the second bipartisan debate we have held. It is important to hear the opposing views in this debate-style format.”

The debate will be in room 506 in the Holmes Student Center.

CR Secretary Mark Brierton said, “Many students do not understand the issues. This is an opportunity for them to hear both sides.”

Witt said if there is time after the debate, the floor will be open for discussion on any topic.