Name: Joseph Annunzio

Office: President

Major: Sociology-Criminology

Increasing relations between the Student Association senators and NIU organizations is one goal SA presidential candidate Joseph Annunzio, an SA senator, wants to achieve if elected.

Annunzio said he wants to create a position for senators to be in contact with “at least” four different organizations.

He also said the senate should have representatives of the organizations come to senate meetings to speak on problems the SA might have with the organizations.

Annunzio said a board of 10 student leaders would be assigned by Annunzio to advise him in appointing SA staff members, which is a presidential duty.

He said the board would help him pick staff members who would do “fantastic” jobs.

Senator attendance at senate meetings needs to be more strictly enforced, Annunzio said. He said the present allowance of six absences would be decreased to four.

“If senators do not make the effort to at least go to senate meetings, then it is obvious their performance in committee work wouldn’t be sufficient to address the issues of concern for the student body,” Annunzio said.