Zero-funding unfair

On Feb. 3 the Advertising Club of NIU presented our budget to the Student Association Finance Committee for review. This was the first time that a budget request was submitted. The Finance Committee’s final recommendation was to zero-fund the club.

We believe that the issue was not the money involved, but lack of organization on the part of the S.A. Finance Committee. Even though the Ad Club followed all S.A. guidelines (submitted early, justified all expenditures, proper documentation), several committee members were not aware of our budget request until ten minutes before review.

In addition, the S.A.‘s inability to accurately define a “pre-professional” organization contributed to the decision to zero-fund. How can the S.A. Finance Committee make financial decisions about organizations when they are totally unaware of the club’s activities? If we considered ourselves “pre-professional,” then the club would only be open to students majoring in advertising. Since there is no advertising major at NIU, the club would have ceased to exist. However, the Advertising Club is open to, and consists of, all majors—ranging from art to zoology.

We feel the decision to zero-fund the Advertising Club was not only premature, but was also unjustified because the S.A. Finance Committee seemed oblivious to their own by-laws.

Advertising Club Board

Karen Schill, President

Dan Burke, Vice-President

Pat Zemaitis, Secretary

Ron Kowalski, Treasurer