Adoption is better
March 24, 1988
I am writing in response to Del Lawson’s letter about “pro-choice” which recently ran in the Star. It is sad when a person can go to prison for breaking the egg of a bald eagle while an unborn child is murdered and the state pays for it.
Alternatives to abortion provide much healthier ways of dealing with the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy. Adoption is one of the most viable alternatives for women. There are many agencies well-equipped to deal with planning adoptions, encouraging active participation of the mother and providing counseling for her.
There are many loving people who cannot have a child and would view a child as a very special gift. These people are very capable of taking care of the wants and needs of these children and have more than enough love, too.
Using abortion as a contraceptive method is barbaric. How much longer can society condone such practices?
Keri Ramsay
graduate student