Supports Radke

I wholeheartedly support the candidacy of Paula Radtke for Student Association president in today’s election.

As I have worked with Paula over the past two years, I have watched her become familiar with a wide variety of issues and actively work for the students’ interests on these issues. Some of these issues include:

Working with the Illinois Student Association to create a lobby day in Springfield to obtain increased funding for higher education.

Working with the administration to create kiosks so that students can post fliers outside. This will increase communication while decreasing litter.

Another project Paula has been involved with and has indicated a desire to work for is the increase of student input into the operations of the Holmes Student Center, the Recreation Center, field house and stadium. These buildings receive their sole source of guaranteed support from a student fee of $190.00 per year. Therefore, it is important for students to be involved in the operations of these buildings.

I believe that Paula has excellent management skills which would allow her to effectively manage the 15-member executive board and interact well with the SA Senate.

Because of Paula’s extensive knowledge of issues which affect students, her well thought out plans to address these issues, and clear ideas as to how to oversee the SA, I strongly urge you to vote for Paula Radtke for SA president today in the PowWow, Founders Library and DuSable Hall.

Jim Fischer

SA president