Student proud to be attending NIU

Upon reading the Mar. 1 Northern Star, I was disheartened to see the pessimistic views of Ms. Price and Mr. Pierce. If you don’t like it here, leave!

There are many students like myself who are proud to attend this school. NIU has so much to offer; I’m only sorry that, as seniors, you two haven’t found it. Crawl out of your shell and take advantage of what college has to offer. NIU has exciting sports teams, a recreation center with a good intramural program, a student newspaper that recently won some literary awards, and movies/plays are always being shown on campus.

The accounting department is #1 for those interested in the CPA program. Can U of I or DePaul say that? We have a fine liberal arts program and up and coming programs in engineering and law.

Yes, costs are rising in education, but then, so are all costs. You, Ms. Price, being an economics major, should know this. It is called inflation. How do you think a new campus in Aurora would contribute to rising education costs?

Your “high-rise ‘Cabrini Cornfield’ housing projects” are a great place to live. The people I’ve met are the greatest and I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. Maybe your residence hall experience wasn’t great, but then you must ask yourself what kind of effort you put into it?

Finally, Ms. Price and Mr. Pierce, you two are both seniors; how come it took you four years to decide this? Those four years should have been spent enjoying college.

John Tuttle

