AAUP might submit faculty governing plan
February 23, 1988
A proposal implementing a faculty senate to share in the separate powers of running NIU might be presented to faculty members next fall.
Gordon Dorn, chapter president for American Association of University Professionals, said, “The organization’s first priority is to see that there is an effective faculty senate.
“AAUP prefers a real sense of shared goverance on campus. With shared goverance each group—administration, students, and faculty—has something to say in running the university,” Dorn said.
The faculty senate would not have the same responsibilities as other NIU constituents, Dorn said.
He said the faculty senate would not replace the University Council but would be another body with different powers and responsibilities.
However, it is premature to say what powers would be covered, he said.
A Faculty Senate Task Force is considering the possibilities for a faculty senate and the powers it would possess, he said.
William Monat, faculty senate task force chairman, could not be reached for comment Monday.
After the proposal is drawn up, the faculty will be the first to examine it, Dorn said.
The task force will be able to determine if the faculty supports the proposal from their input and decisions, he said.
Dorn said if the faculty accepts the proposal, it will go before the University Council for consideration.
He said if the proposal does not meet the faculty’s standards the task force will make revisions with the faculty’s remarks.
He said the next task force meeting, which will include a discussion of the senate’s responsibilities, is March 11 at 3 p.m.
AAUP would rather have a faculty senate than collective bargaining which would unionize the faculty, Dorn said.
“AAUP favors collective bargaining only as a last resort,” he said.
Collective bargaining would permit faculty to directly negotiate with the Board of Regents on issues such as salaries, he said.
Dorn said the University Professionals of Illinois were circulating authorization cards to faculty to hold a collective bargaining election this spring.
But, he said he does not know the proceedings of UPI.
Richard Beard, president of NIU’s UPI chapter, could not be reached for comment Monday.
Associate biology professor Daniel Griffiths, member of Shared Governance (PROF-S), said, “The organization I’m with is opposed to unionization.
“Rather, PROF-S’s goals this year include working to obtain a tax increase for higher education,” he said.
“We want the faculty to work together for higher education,” he said.
“I don’t know what UPI is doing. I haven’t heard of an election, but I hope we don’t have one,” Griffiths said.