New men’s coach

Why must 21,000 students be subjected to national embarrassment every time the men’s basketball team takes the floor. Major independent? I don’t think so; they can’t even beat a Division II team.

There must be some talent there, but what is wrong? Do they have a coach? Can their coach coach? Can they understand the coach? Are they intelligent enough to execute the coach’s plans? Or are they really that bad?

They should scrap the whole program and devote more time, effort and money into education which NIU can excel in.

Every year students hear the same B.S.—”Next year’s recruits,” “Rosborough is optimistic,” “.500 season.” Instead, recruits don’t pan out, Rosborough should be fired, and maybe a 5-22 season.

There must be some changes for this sport to get support. After all, why support the men’s basketball team when they probably couldn’t win the rec center basketball tournament in the B division and probably not the 5-10-and-under division.

Steve Miller

