Beneficial project

As an educator and life-long student, I’m familiar with the process of choosing individual class projects. Many suggested projects are rather boring and repetitious. I would like to suggest a project that can be adapted to most college courses and also makes a contribution to society.

The “Great American Meat-out” is in its 4th annual campaign, culminating on March 20th, when thousands of Americans will give up eating meat for one day. The purpose of this endeavor is to raise public awareness of: the health problems caused by meat consumption (project for health or nutrition courses), the environmental damage caused by intensive chemical/animal agriculture (health, biology, ecology) and the profound relationship between meat consumption and the problem of world hunger (economics, sociology). The suffering of animals on ‘factory farms’ is another focus of the Meat-out. These issues fit well into religion, philosophy and ethics courses as well.

Directed by F.A.R.M. (Farm Animal Reform Movement) of Washington, D.C., the Meat-out is supported by notable health professionals, including Drs. Robert Mendelsohn and John McDougall, as well as celebrities such as: Doris Day, Hayley Mills, Casey Kasem, Cesar Chavez and Isaac Bashevis Singer. Thousands of people take part every year in Meat-out activities like: vegetarian feasts, rallies, demonstrations, film/video showings, media talk shows and other educational projects.

While most Americans are aware of the relationship of meat consumption to heart disease, cancer and other common illnesses, many are unaware that intensive animal agriculture is a major cause of environmental degradation or that it is an incredible waste of land, water and energy when compared to raising fruits, vegetables and grains to feed people.

Those of us who support the Great American Meat-out are not anti-farming. We are for better and more humane farming methods. We promote a healthy diet, conservation of resources, alleviaton of animal suffering and an end to world hunger.

For information on the Great American Meat-out and specific suggestions for student projects that are both unusual and meaningful, please contact me at P.O. Box 5888, Bethesda, MD 20814.

Don Lutz

Education Director
