Class individual

Thank you very much for writing a great article on a good basketball player and a classy individual—Randy Norman, #30.

You mention that Randy’s average during the last seven games was 19 points. In addition, he is the leading three-point shooter and free-throw shooter on the team. His free-throw shooting average is good enough to place him in the top ten in the country. These statistics were accomplished mostly as the third, fourth or fifth guard to play.

Coach Rosborough’s quote in that article is, “He is playing well for the last five to six games, and that’s what we need out of Randy.” Yet, the very next day, Randy Norman was benched for “lack of defense.” NIU lost the next three games because of lack of offense, but the team’s best shooter sat on the bench. I believe that Randy Norman and the NIU students and fans deserved better than that.

In the Feb. 3 issue of the Star, Coach Rosborough stated, “Gerald and I talked about (where the program is going) . . . I believe we have some very talented kids. Now, are we talking the top 50 in the nation? I don’t know.”

Sorry Coach, but if you read the Sun Times, NIU, at 4-16, has the worst record of any independent team and the 12th worst record out of 276 schools in the country. Top 50, Coach? Give me a break!

Where is the team going? As a freshman, Randy Norman’s team won 11 games, as a sophomore, 15 games. Then Coach Rosborough took over. In Randy’s junior year, they won 9, and near the end of his senior year, so far, they’ve won 4 games. Next year, the team will lose 75 percent of its scoring power. Just as Randy Norman’s shooting record speaks for itself, Coach Rosborough, so does yours.

Latacia Jackson

