Column very unfair

I experienced considerable pain when I read Gretchyn Lenger’s Feb. 4 column because I felt it was grossly unfair. The University Health Service makes a great effort to be responsible, responsive and caring. We have multiple channels by which students may bring problems with the health service to the attention of the administration. I am very disappointed that Gretchyn did not seek to utilize any of the established channels available in a more constructive way before writing a critical column in the Star.

As Director of the Health Service, I am continually available to speak with any student who has a grievance or problem with the health service and try to reconcile the problem. Your Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) representatives are also available to act on your behalf to investigate and address any problem areas in the health service. SHAC has a “Comments and Concerns” box in the main waiting room and forms are available in all areas for your convenience. In addition, we do an ongoing patient satisfaction survey. When we uncover any issues which reflect negatively on the quality of care, we attempt to address them.

During the past few years we have made major efforts to improve our level of functioning in the very areas that Gretchyn criticizes. We continually monitor patient confidentiality and any breach of confidentiality is subject to immediate sanction. We added additional drapes and screens during the fall semester to improve patient privacy. We have also arranged for the individuals (both full-time staff and student employees) at our reception desks to take the classes offered by the university in communications skills.

I would like to invite Gretchyn to schedule an appointment with me to discuss her specific concerns and tour our facility and see what we do here. I would also like to encourage you to contact a SHAC member to find out how they function as your consumer advocate.

Rosemary B. Lane, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, NIU Health Service