Misquoted again

It is so unfortunate that every time I am asked to make a comment about an issue for the Northern Star, the comment is NEVER delivered to the reading audience in the context that it was presented to the writer of the article. The information that appears in the newspaper is either incorrectly stated or the most essential words are omitted, changing the total base of reference of the statement given. I call the inaccurate information given by the writer to the reading audience MEDIA DISTORTION.

As a point of clarification, I NEVER stated to Sean Noble that racism here at NIU was being handled well. I did, however, state that I believe the university, its officials, the concerned minority, faculty, staff and students of this environment will see that proper action is taken to address the five letters received posing a threat to the celebration of Black History Month.

I also stated to Mr. Noble that if the history of the African-American people were taught correctly every day in our primary, secondary and higher educational systems, there would be no need for Black History Month.

However, we learn under a Hellenistic process which does not give a culturally balanced perspective. I also indicated that Africans in America and Egyptians are one and the same. I told Mr. Noble that when the word “African” is mentioned (as it relates to the black student) it is always omitted from the article.

Finally, it would be sheer negligence on my part to say “ignore the threats.” Mr. Noble has personally offended me and distorted my character by attributing that statement to me in his article of Jan. 22, 1988. As I expressed to Mr. Noble, we (NIU) must approach all threats in a very serious way without over or under-reacting.

It is also unfortunate that whenever my name is mentioned in these media-distorted statements, they link me directly with the black greeks. My role (roles) on this campus fall under several areas which include: office of special projects, Presidential Commission for the Status of Minorities, Judicial Board member, etc. I see my role as that of a person who gives support to the success of any and every element on or off campus that requests it, and whose aim I personally and professionally agree to uphold. The decision to support or not is one’s own.

Black History Month will continue!

Martha Palmer

CHANCE Counselor