Kicking the dog

Professor Finkelstein’s reaction reminds me of the employee who gets angry at his boss and kicks his dog. The students are not responsible for our “no pay increase.” In fact, they’ve been hit with tuition increases themselves. I’d hate for them to take their ire out on us.

Here are “professional” things Prof. Finkelstein can do: Lobby and encourage his statewide professional groups and associates, students and their parents to lobby; leave the university—what many will do as salaries become less competitive; seek outside consultant services, do proprietary research, teach in off-campus programs, seek grants, fellowships, summer employment; budget more carefully and closely; write articles, letters and give speeches on what happens when states and nations don’t value education and won’t pay for it; and pray for another “sputnik” to dramatize how far behind we are from other developed countries in preparing students for the computer space ages.

Albert Walker

