Conflicting views

The problem with Jim McDermott is that he expects everyone to change their beliefs to suit his argument that homosexuality is morally acceptable.

Frankly, if you’re gay, I can live with that, but don’t expect me to think it’s okay. I am not required to respect your viewpoint; I am only required to respect your right to have it. Nothing you or anyone says will ever convince me that homosexuality is acceptable, but I do not demand that others share my belief.

Mr. McDermott, you are very disrespectful of views contrary to your own. If the homosexuals really wanted social equality, they would stop putting others down for disagreeing with them. Why can’t you simply agree to disagree? You tell people what to believe and then wonder why there is so much animosity toward gays. Did you ever stop to think that my interpretation of biblical morality is different (as opposed to wrong) when compared to yours? Do you have a monopoly on Christian understandings and truth? Are you so pompous as to think your own values are better or more valid than mine?

The issue here is not whether homosexuality is right or wrong, but the acceptance of contrasting opinions. Gays should come down from their ivory towers and start showing others the respect and understanding they so desperately seek for themselves.

Charlie Warfield

