Bookstore benefits

We are writing in response to a letter written by someone who was upset with having their books and term paper stolen from the front of Village Commons Bookstore, where all students must leave their belongings. We’d like to let students know the Holmes Student Center Bookstore provides coin refundable lockers for students to use. They must deposit a quarter, but they get it back when the locker is opened with the key. So actually, it is free! The HSC Bookstore experimented with having a coatcheck outside the store which hundreds of students took advantage of. It was free and they didn’t have to worry about anything being stolen. The bookstore will use this system again during future bookrushes.

The store gives all students the opportunity to lock their belongings up. This saves students from losing bookbags and having term papers stolen. The HSC Bookstore is trying to improve services to the students, so please take advantage of them.

The Security Staff

HSC Bookstore