Fears groundless

A recent Star editorial voiced concern about Pat Robertson becoming President. The writer seemed worried about the separation of church and state. This fear is groundless for many reasons.

First of all, Robertson has made no comments during his campaign that could lead anyone to believe he would incorporate religion into his administration, except for the “prayer in schools” issue. But here he only supports a moment of silence with no religious implications.

Even if he did, however, try to push religious bills through, our system of checks and balances would prevent this, as it has stopped Reagan many times in his push for prayer in schools.

When the separation of church and state was being stressed in the Constitution, our founding fathers were worried about another Henry VIII situation: A leader gaining power and declaring one national religion.

But we don’t live in a monarchy. The fears of the Pope having too much influence when JFK became President were proved groundless, just as the fears about Robertson will be shown to be ignorant.

Terry Sheehan

