Flaunting morality

This letter is written in response to the mindless rhetoric written by SA Senator Tana Titre in the Jan. 22 issue of The Northern Star.

First of all, you wrote in your letter that Sigma Phi Epsilon,”promoted itself as a pious organization by sponsoring a Christmas party for underprivileged children.”

The definition of pious is having reverence and love for God; marked by pretended or mistaken devotion. If you’re going to use a word to criticize, at least find out what it means first. That event meant nothing more than trying to do a nice thing for people, which obviously bothers you.

By the way, since you thought it was so necessary to sign your name as a senator to add credibility, let us remind you that the Tenant Union of the SA Senate, part of the same organization to which you belong, sponsored a pornographic film just last year.

Did you think “Wanda Whips Wall Street” was a documentary on corporate women?

Then you have the nerve to call us hypocrites for having that party. How many letters did you get from parents telling you how happy you made their kids at Christmastime?

Maybe if you concentrated your efforts more toward being productive in the Senate you’d see your name printed in more places than under an insipid and excruciatingly redundant letter.

In the future, if you want to benefit the campus and community, we suggest you do more than flaunt your moral, self-righteous indignation before you strain a tendon patting yourself on the back.

Joel Guggenheim

Steve Coloia

Kevin McArdle

Sigma Phi Epsilon